Subliminal Tuning helps you:

  • Remove limiting subconscious beliefs and habits that are holding you back in life
  • Implant new, positive and empowering beliefs that unlock your full potential
  • Attract and manifest what you want in life
  • Break free from the chains of repetitive negative thought processes
  • Develop an abundance mindset that is oriented towards more joy, energy and happiness


Discover the simple 3 steps to your success:


Simply choose the module you would like to focus on, and watch the soothing hypnosis-inducing 4K video at a comfortable volume and relax.

Brainwave Entrainment then brings your brainwave pattern into the Theta frequency range, while Binaural Beats balance the hemispheres of your brain. This process allows Subliminal Affirmations to influence your subconscious mind directly.


Our 3D Audio/Visual subliminal affirmations plant new positive ideas deep within your subconscious mind. With repeated daily watching, the positive affirmations will begin to be accepted as the truth.

Each Subliminal Tuning module delivers over 1200 positive visual subliminal affirmations and over 60 positive auditory affirmations.


With repetition, your thoughts, feelings, and actions begin to reflect your new subconscious programming. You will now start to notice subtle shifts in your perception that will guide you towards your desired results.

STAGE 1 – Induce a Hypnotic Trance

A hypnotic trance is induced using a combination of relaxing 4K video footage with relaxing music.

Each module takes you on a beautiful audio-visual journey while gently guiding you into a stable hypnotic trance.

Once your hypnotic trance is established, you enter into the second stage of the system.

STAGE 2 – Introduce Theta Brainwaves

Binaural Beats and Brainwave Entrainment technology works to bring your brainwave frequency into the Theta range.

Theta Brainwaves are known as the “Gateway to the subconscious mind” for a reason. Once a theta brainwave frequency is reached, you become very highly susceptible to the subliminal positive affirmations delivered in the next step.

STAGE 3 – Deliver Positive Subliminal Affirmations

Positive Subliminal Affirmations are delivered using advanced subliminal visual and auditory stimuli.

Each Subliminal Tuning module delivers over 1200 positive subliminal visual affirmations per session!

This is backed up with 60 positive auditory subliminal affirmations per session.

STAGE 4 – Neural Linking of Positive Affirmations

Positive Affirmations in the form of hypnotic suggestions display on the screen. You read these out loud during the session in order to (Neuro-Link) help drive home the positive subliminal affirmations into your subconscious mind.

STAGE 5 – The Alpha Brainwave Shift

During the final minutes of your session, your brainwave pattern shifts into the Alpha frequency range. This helps to bring you gently back into full conscious awareness once the session has finished.

STAGE 6 – Visualization

A short visualization session of at least 2 minutes is highly recommended.

STAGE 7 – Re-Affirm Positive Affirmations

After each session, a final reading of the positive affirmations that go hand-in-hand with each module is highly recommended.

Each Subliminal Tuning session brings you into the ideal state of mind to receive maximum benefit from using positive affirmations. This helps to cement your new desired beliefs into your subconscious mind.


Rated 4.9 Out of 5 Stars  Based on 50+ Reviews

“When I first started Subliminal Tuning, I was skeptical, especially when I didn’t experience “instant” results in the first day or two. But I stuck with it, and I am so glad I did. Something powerful happened between weeks two and three. My relationships started feeling deeper and more meaningful. I felt like I had more energy. I even had friends ask what was up with me! (in a good way) I have complete faith in the whole system.”

Karen Heribert
Karen Heribert

“From the moment I put on my headphones and started watching Financial Abundance, I instantly felt different inside my head! It was like my mind felt alive and in tune, in a way, I’d never experienced; it was crazy. The most amazing part was that I could notice everything I was manifesting into my life. Within the first week, I had attracted and closed two HUGE contracts! Cha-ching!”

Catarina Hull
Catarina Hull

“So far, so good. I’m only a few days in, and I’m looking forward to seeing my overall progress after a month or so, as I think my transformation is retrospective. Watching the videos is highly relaxing, and I am feeling calmer and more relaxed every day. Subliminal Tuning is now a firm part of my daily routine. I will update after another few weeks” 🙂

Natalie Rowe
Natalie Rowe
Ignite and Unleash Your Full Potential


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